/api/uc.php 修复后完整源码
<?php /** * [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc. * This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * $Id: uc.php 34214 2013-11-11 02:33:40Z hypowang $ */ error_reporting(0); define('UC_CLIENT_VERSION', '1.6.0'); define('UC_CLIENT_RELEASE', '20110501'); define('API_DELETEUSER', 1); define('API_RENAMEUSER', 1); define('API_GETTAG', 1); define('API_SYNLOGIN', 1); define('API_SYNLOGOUT', 1); define('API_UPDATEPW', 1); define('API_UPDATEBADWORDS', 1); define('API_UPDATEHOSTS', 1); define('API_UPDATEAPPS', 1); define('API_UPDATECLIENT', 1); define('API_UPDATECREDIT', 1); define('API_GETCREDIT', 1); define('API_GETCREDITSETTINGS', 1); define('API_UPDATECREDITSETTINGS', 1); define('API_ADDFEED', 1); define('API_RETURN_SUCCEED', '1'); define('API_RETURN_FAILED', '-1'); define('API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN', '1'); define('IN_API', true); define('CURSCRIPT', 'api'); if(!defined('IN_UC')) { require_once '../source/class/class_core.php'; if (method_exists("C", "app")) { $discuz = C::app(); $discuz->init(); } $discuz = C::app(); $discuz->init(); require DISCUZ_ROOT.'./config/config_ucenter.php'; $get = $post = array(); $code = @$_GET['code']; parse_str(authcode($code, 'DECODE', UC_KEY), $get); if(time() - $get['time'] > 3600) { exit('Authracation has expiried'); } if(empty($get)) { exit('Invalid Request'); } include_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./uc_client/lib/xml.class.php'; $post = xml_unserialize(file_get_contents('php://input')); if(in_array($get['action'], array('test', 'deleteuser', 'renameuser', 'gettag', 'synlogin', 'synlogout', 'updatepw', 'updatebadwords', 'updatehosts', 'updateapps', 'updateclient', 'updatecredit', 'getcredit', 'getcreditsettings', 'updatecreditsettings', 'addfeed'))) { $uc_note = new uc_note(); echo $uc_note->$get['action']($get, $post); exit(); } else { exit(API_RETURN_FAILED); } } else { exit; } class uc_note { var $dbconfig = ''; var $db = ''; var $tablepre = ''; var $appdir = ''; function _serialize($arr, $htmlon = 0) { if(!function_exists('xml_serialize')) { include_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./uc_client/lib/xml.class.php'; } return xml_serialize($arr, $htmlon); } function uc_note() { } function test($get, $post) { return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; } function deleteuser($get, $post) { global $_G; if(!API_DELETEUSER) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } $uids = str_replace("'", '', stripslashes($get['ids'])); $ids = array(); $ids = array_keys(C::t('common_member')->fetch_all($uids)); require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./source/function/function_delete.php'; $ids && deletemember($ids); return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; } function renameuser($get, $post) { global $_G; if(!API_RENAMEUSER) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } $tables = array( 'common_block' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'common_invite' => array('id' => 'fuid', 'name' => 'fusername'), 'common_member_verify_info' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'common_mytask' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'common_report' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'forum_thread' => array('id' => 'authorid', 'name' => 'author'), 'forum_activityapply' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'forum_groupuser' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'forum_pollvoter' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'forum_post' => array('id' => 'authorid', 'name' => 'author'), 'forum_postcomment' => array('id' => 'authorid', 'name' => 'author'), 'forum_ratelog' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'home_album' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'home_blog' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'home_clickuser' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'home_docomment' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'home_doing' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'home_feed' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'home_feed_app' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'home_friend' => array('id' => 'fuid', 'name' => 'fusername'), 'home_friend_request' => array('id' => 'fuid', 'name' => 'fusername'), 'home_notification' => array('id' => 'authorid', 'name' => 'author'), 'home_pic' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'home_poke' => array('id' => 'fromuid', 'name' => 'fromusername'), 'home_share' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'home_show' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'home_specialuser' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'home_visitor' => array('id' => 'vuid', 'name' => 'vusername'), 'portal_article_title' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'portal_comment' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'portal_topic' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), 'portal_topic_pic' => array('id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'username'), ); if(!C::t('common_member')->update($get['uid'], array('username' => $get[newusername])) && isset($_G['setting']['membersplit'])){ C::t('common_member_archive')->update($get['uid'], array('username' => $get[newusername])); } loadcache("posttableids"); if($_G['cache']['posttableids']) { foreach($_G['cache']['posttableids'] AS $tableid) { $tables[getposttable($tableid)] = array('id' => 'authorid', 'name' => 'author'); } } foreach($tables as $table => $conf) { DB::query("UPDATE ".DB::table($table)." SET `$conf[name]`='$get[newusername]' WHERE `$conf[id]`='$get[uid]'"); } return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; } function gettag($get, $post) { global $_G; if(!API_GETTAG) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } return $this->_serialize(array($get['id'], array()), 1); } function synlogin($get, $post) { global $_G; if(!API_SYNLOGIN) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } header('P3P: CP="CURa ADMa DEVa PSAo PSDo OUR BUS UNI PUR INT DEM STA PRE COM NAV OTC NOI DSP COR"'); $cookietime = 31536000; $uid = intval($get['uid']); if(($member = getuserbyuid($uid, 1))) { dsetcookie('auth', authcode("$member[password]\t$member[uid]", 'ENCODE'), $cookietime); } } function synlogout($get, $post) { global $_G; if(!API_SYNLOGOUT) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } header('P3P: CP="CURa ADMa DEVa PSAo PSDo OUR BUS UNI PUR INT DEM STA PRE COM NAV OTC NOI DSP COR"'); dsetcookie('auth', '', -31536000); } function updatepw($get, $post) { global $_G; if(!API_UPDATEPW) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } $username = $get['username']; $newpw = md5(time().rand(100000, 999999)); $uid = 0; if(($uid = C::t('common_member')->fetch_uid_by_username($username))) { $ext = ''; } elseif(($uid = C::t('common_member_archive')->fetch_uid_by_username($username))) { $ext = '_archive'; } if($uid) { C::t('common_member'.$ext)->update($uid, array('password' => $newpw)); } return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; } function updatebadwords($get, $post) { global $_G; if(!API_UPDATEBADWORDS) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } $data = array(); if(is_array($post)) { foreach($post as $k => $v) { $data['findpattern'][$k] = $v['findpattern']; $data['replace'][$k] = $v['replacement']; } } $cachefile = DISCUZ_ROOT.'./uc_client/data/cache/badwords.php'; $fp = fopen($cachefile, 'w'); $s = "<?php\r\n"; $s .= '$_CACHE[\'badwords\'] = '.var_export($data, TRUE).";\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $s); fclose($fp); return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; } function updatehosts($get, $post) { global $_G; if(!API_UPDATEHOSTS) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } $cachefile = DISCUZ_ROOT.'./uc_client/data/cache/hosts.php'; $fp = fopen($cachefile, 'w'); $s = "<?php\r\n"; $s .= '$_CACHE[\'hosts\'] = '.var_export($post, TRUE).";\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $s); fclose($fp); return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; } function updateapps($get, $post) { if($post['UC_API']) { $post['UC_API'] = addslashes($post['UC_API']); } global $_G; if(!API_UPDATEAPPS) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } $UC_API = ''; if($post['UC_API']) { $UC_API = str_replace(array('\'', '"', '\\', "\0", "\n", "\r"), '', $post['UC_API']); unset($post['UC_API']); } $cachefile = DISCUZ_ROOT.'./uc_client/data/cache/apps.php'; $fp = fopen($cachefile, 'w'); $s = "<?php\r\n"; $s .= '$_CACHE[\'apps\'] = '.var_export($post, TRUE).";\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $s); fclose($fp); if($UC_API && is_writeable(DISCUZ_ROOT.'./config/config_ucenter.php')) { if(preg_match('/^https?:\/\//is', $UC_API)) { $configfile = trim(file_get_contents(DISCUZ_ROOT.'./config/config_ucenter.php')); $configfile = substr($configfile, -2) == '?>' ? substr($configfile, 0, -2) : $configfile; $configfile = preg_replace("/define\('UC_API',\s*'.*?'\);/i", "define('UC_API', '".addslashes($UC_API)."');", $configfile); if($fp = @fopen(DISCUZ_ROOT.'./config/config_ucenter.php', 'w')) { @fwrite($fp, trim($configfile)); @fclose($fp); } } } return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; } function updateclient($get, $post) { global $_G; if(!API_UPDATECLIENT) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } $cachefile = DISCUZ_ROOT.'./uc_client/data/cache/settings.php'; $fp = fopen($cachefile, 'w'); $s = "<?php\r\n"; $s .= '$_CACHE[\'settings\'] = '.var_export($post, TRUE).";\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $s); fclose($fp); return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; } function updatecredit($get, $post) { global $_G; if(!API_UPDATECREDIT) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } $credit = $get['credit']; $amount = $get['amount']; $uid = $get['uid']; if(!getuserbyuid($uid)) { return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; } updatemembercount($uid, array($credit => $amount)); C::t('common_credit_log')->insert(array('uid' => $uid, 'operation' => 'ECU', 'relatedid' => $uid, 'dateline' => time(), 'extcredits'.$credit => $amount)); return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; } function getcredit($get, $post) { global $_G; if(!API_GETCREDIT) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } $uid = intval($get['uid']); $credit = intval($get['credit']); $_G['uid'] = $_G['member']['uid'] = $uid; return getuserprofile('extcredits'.$credit); } function getcreditsettings($get, $post) { global $_G; if(!API_GETCREDITSETTINGS) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } $credits = array(); foreach($_G['setting']['extcredits'] as $id => $extcredits) { $credits[$id] = array(strip_tags($extcredits['title']), $extcredits['unit']); } return $this->_serialize($credits); } function updatecreditsettings($get, $post) { global $_G; if(!API_UPDATECREDITSETTINGS) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } $outextcredits = array(); foreach($get['credit'] as $appid => $credititems) { if($appid == UC_APPID) { foreach($credititems as $value) { $outextcredits[$value['appiddesc'].'|'.$value['creditdesc']] = array( 'appiddesc' => $value['appiddesc'], 'creditdesc' => $value['creditdesc'], 'creditsrc' => $value['creditsrc'], 'title' => $value['title'], 'unit' => $value['unit'], 'ratiosrc' => $value['ratiosrc'], 'ratiodesc' => $value['ratiodesc'], 'ratio' => $value['ratio'] ); } } } $tmp = array(); foreach($outextcredits as $value) { $key = $value['appiddesc'].'|'.$value['creditdesc']; if(!isset($tmp[$key])) { $tmp[$key] = array('title' => $value['title'], 'unit' => $value['unit']); } $tmp[$key]['ratiosrc'][$value['creditsrc']] = $value['ratiosrc']; $tmp[$key]['ratiodesc'][$value['creditsrc']] = $value['ratiodesc']; $tmp[$key]['creditsrc'][$value['creditsrc']] = $value['ratio']; } $outextcredits = $tmp; $cachefile = DISCUZ_ROOT.'./uc_client/data/cache/creditsettings.php'; $fp = fopen($cachefile, 'w'); $s = "<?php\r\n"; $s .= '$_CACHE[\'creditsettings\'] = '.var_export($outextcredits, TRUE).";\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $s); fclose($fp); return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; } function addfeed($get, $post) { global $_G; if(!API_ADDFEED) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } return API_RETURN_SUCCEED; } }
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