OpenLiteSpeed One-click installation

ols1clk is a one-click installation script for OpenLiteSpeed. Using this script, you can quickly and easily install OpenLiteSpeed with it’s default settings. By adding different parameters, you can use it to install WordPress and the LiteSpeed Cache.

Currently one click installation only supports Centos(5-7), Debian(7-9) and Ubuntu(12,14,16)

ols1clk must be run with superuser access, You can either switch to superuser (root) with the su command or you may run it as root using the sudo command. How you do this will depend upon which distribution you use. Some distributions enable the root user (such as CentOS), while others do not (such as Ubuntu and Debian).

There are two different one-click methods: Direct Download and Command Line Interface.

Direct Download

  1. Download ols1clk from GitHub.
  2. Run the ols1clk script on your server command line with ./ or bash;

CLI Installation

Run the following from the command line:

wget --no-check-certificate; bash;

OR, run the following from the command line:

bash <( curl -k ) [options] [options] …

The above methods will install OpenLiteSpeed and the lsphp module. For additional options, examples, and a FAQ, see the OpenLiteSpeed wiki.

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